
随它去吧 Let It Go
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Sometimes, we may feel uncomfortable and unhappy. However, what makes us so upset on earth? There are different reasons for different people. When we are sorrowful, we should tell ourselves that there are still various beauties in the world. What we should do is that we must take actions to find them.


When we get into trouble, we always tell ourselves that we can't cry, because crying is not useful for us. And if we just cry and don't do anything, we will become more passive. Although crying can't solve any complicated problems, and maybe we will get a terrible mood finally, crying can give us a release, and it is helpful for us. So what I want to say is that we should follow ourselves emotions. When we indeed want to cry, we shouldn't limit ourselves to avoid crying. Please just give ourselves a space where we can be loyal to our heart and we don't need to think over any meaningless things. Thus, we can let ourselves get a peaceful environment. Don't suppress our inner emotions. Just let it go.


Also, when we meet some situations that we have tried our best to solve, but the result is that we can't change anything, then we should have a consciousness of "Let it go". Maybe we are not willing to give it up, but we must realize that if we always make great efforts, but we still can't gain the satisfactory result, we should convince ourselves not to insist on it. Let us acquire a great mood, and just let it go. Because we are not regretful, we have experienced it.


In a word, for some things, we should hold that attitude of "Let it go". However, the premise is that we have done our best for them, and we have gotten some significant experience from them. Thus, we can learn more knowledge and have a good mood.


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