Adrienne: Hey, Ian, tell me about the time you were at the hospital.
Ian: What, the first time I went to the hospital?
Adrienne: Yes, the first time.
Ian: The first time I went to hospital was when I was 13 years old and it was the day of my birthday and I had a pain in my right side and I'd been sick the day before and so on my birthday my mom phoned the hospital and the doctor decided I should go to hospital and I had my appendix out
Adrienne: OW! That sounds painful!
Ian: Mm, but there's more! On my 18th birthday, I had like a lump in my throat, and I couldn't breathe properly and again my mother phoned the doctors and I went to the hospital again and my right lung had collapsed
Adrienne: Oh, my goodness!
Ian: I know. I spent about 8 days in hospital and it was is Wales. I always remember being in Wales because I had problems understanding the doctor's accent, and then, are you ready, there's more
Adrienne: Tell me
Ian: Again when I was 20 years old I was at university in Leeds, and again I had a lump in my throat and I had problems breathing. I went to the hospital and the same thing again. My right lung had collapsed
Adrienne: Collapsed!
Ian: Yes, but this time, because we were in a big city, they had more sophisticated medical equipment and they put a syringe, made a very small hole in my chest and put the syringe into my lung and drained away the excess air and my lung was inflated again.
Adrienne: Did it hurt?
Ian: Not as much as the first time. And I only spent a day in hospital and then they sent me home, but there's more. A week later I had the same problem, a lump in my throat, and I had problems breathing and so I went to the hospital again and my right lung had collapsed again, for the third time, so this time the doctors decided they had to do a bigger operation to make sure that this wouldn't happen again so I was at hospital for two weeks and they cut away the top part of my lung, and stitched me back up and now my lungs are absolutely fine. I've had no problems since and I'm doing lots of running and I feel much better, but I don't want to have the same thing again. Ever!
Adrienne: I hope you don't either. That's amazing!
Ian: I know. The thing is, my uncle and my father had the same problems so it's probably in my genes, in my families genes, that we have this. It's a common family problem, but anyway, now I am OK.
Adrienne: Wow! That's good!