make a killing "赢了很多钱" ? lose one's shirt,be taken to the cleaners "输了很多钱,输光了"
I made a killing in Las Vegas."我在拉斯维加斯发了一笔横财."? I lose my shirt in Las Vegas. "我在拉斯维加斯赌输了很多钱."
A:You have been smiling all day.What are you up to?你整天笑容满面,是不是有什么事啊?
B:I made a killing on Wall Street.我在华尔街赚了大钱.
A:Really?How much did you make?你赚了多少?
B:I invested $10,000 in a small company's stocks a year ago,and they are worth $90,000 now!去年我投资一万股在一家小公司,现在变成九万元!
A:A return of 80% in a year?That's incredible!一年内投资报酬率达80%?真难以置信啊!
C:大陆的证券市场已对国外开放了.The Chinese stock market has opened to foreign investor.
D:那么,你想买大陆证券吗?So,are you going to buy Chinese stock?
C:是的.我去年在华尔街输了很多钱,所以今年我想把投资在华尔街的钱都拿出来转投到大陆证券市场上来.Yes.I lost my shirt on Wall Street last year,so I think I will pull all my money out of Wall Street and invest it in the Chinese stock market instead this year.
D:你觉得你会在大陆赚一大笔吗?Do you think you'll make a killing in China.
C:但愿如此.I hope so