Now, let me introduce myself.
I’ll just tell you a bit about myself.
I’ve been teaching in the school for 10 years.
I come from Shanghai.
I worked for a newspaper until last year.
And what about you?
Will you introduce yourself?
四、开始谈话(Talk beginning)
T: I went to the Summer Palace (引出话题) Yesterday. Did any of you go?
No?... (无人回答,问某一学生)Well, What did you do, ... er... Zhang Hong.
Zhang:... er... I-. - er. -. in home. (学生响应断断续续)
T: Oh, you stayed at home. (“搭救“说话的学生 )
Zhang: Yes, I stay at home.
T: OK, you stayed at home. (暗中纠正时态)
What did you do then?
Zhang:... TV...
T: Oh, you watched television, didn’t you? (继续问下去困难,可就此打住 )
Which program?
Tell me what you did 1ast night.
Will you tell me a bit about your weekend?
Could you tell us more about the program?
How did you like yesterday’s party?